
Please get back to me
Please get back to me

please get back to me

Help me think on these things, and take captive any thoughts that are contrary to your purposes for me. Help me stay focused on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy. Guard my thoughts, Lord I offer them to You. I pray Philippians 4:7 over this day, knowing that your peace will transcend any of my understanding and you will guard my heart. Help me to be your hands and feet even when I feel bruised and weak. Let your strength shine through me during this dark time in my life. Also help me to open my eyes to someone I can bless today. Place the right person in my path today someone who will speak life and encouragement into me. Give me an understanding of your purpose for me today. Help me see myself as you do – I’m a beloved daughter of the King of Kings. Help me be focused, keeping my eyes fixed on you instead of the circumstances around me. Today I’m asking you: God please help me through this. Thank you for loving me, for extending mercy to me, for faithfully working in my heart even during my darkest times. You might also like: A Simple Prayer For Money Problems God Please Help Me Through This Here’s a simple prayer you can use as a springboard to get back on your feet and on the right track! Finding the words to pray seems nearly impossible. Praying can be so hard during those seasons. It sucks the air out of us, and it’s all we can do to simply whisper, “God please help me through this!” We’d like to avoid pain at all costs, but sometimes life throws a curve ball that smacks us right in the face and knocks us off our feet.

Please get back to me